Moses Kelly's Surgery (Send your well wishes)
by Robert Freeman on 09/13/17
From Mike William's:
I visited Moses Kelly in Anne Arundel Hospital in Annapolis, MD; Room 505 after
his surgery today.
The surgery went well, however, it should be noted that Moses must lay -- completely flat -- on his back for three days.
He is in good spirits but in much need of rest. Mike W.
Jim Vance's Memorial (Family Request)
by Robert Freeman on 09/10/17
We have been asked by his family to attend the memorial celebration for the late Jim Vance on our motorcycles. For those that can participate the information is provided below:
Date: Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2017
Time: Arrive by 8:30 AM
Location: Washington National Cathedral, Wisconsin and Massachusetts Aves. NW, DC
Dress: Uniform pants (or dark pants), WHITE shirt with dark tie and chapter colors.
To ride together we will....
MEET: 7:00 am
Depart: 7:30 am
From: McDonalds Capitol Plaza
6200 Annapolis Rd.
Landover Hills, MdMax's Cheesesteak Run
by Robert Freeman on 09/04/17
When: Saturday, September 9, 2017
Where to: Max’s Steaks, 3653 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19140
Why: Fellowship, brother/sisterhood, fun, good cheesesteaks and just for the hell of it
Meet Location: Shell Gas Station, 16501 Ballpark Rd., Bowie, MD 20716
Time: Meet @ 0830, Kickstands Up @ 0900
Road Captains: Darryl and Fred
See our EVENTS PAGE for the link to Max's Cheesesteak Facebook Page
Prince George's County Senior Veterans Luncheon (Your Help is Needed)
by Robert Freeman on 08/09/17
From: "Marinelli, Darilyn"
Date: Aug 2, 2017 2:55 PM
Subject: FW: Need Your Help! Prince George's County Senior Veterans Luncheon
To: "Seniors" <Seniors@pgparks.com>
M-NCPPC, Dept. of Parks and Recreation, Special Programs Division is planning a wonderful luncheon in November for Prince George’s County seniors (60& better) who are Veterans! We need your help in identifying these individuals so we can invite them to this special luncheon.
If you or someone you know is a Prince George’s County resident who is 60 & older and is a Veteran, we need your help!
Attached is the flyer with the information and the form to complete to submit the name so they can receive an invitation.
Also, below is the link to complete the form online if you prefer!
Thank you in advance for assistance in identifying our County Senior Veterans!
Darilyn Marinelli, Senior Services Coordinator
M-NCPPC, Dept. of Parks and Recreation
Prince George’s County
7833 Walker Drive Suite 110
Greenbelt, MD 20770
301-446-3400 office; 301-446-3402 TTY
MD1 PickUp Ride - Chicken Run
by Robert Freeman on 08/09/17
When: Sunday, 13 August 2017
Where to: Mitchie Tavern, Charlottesville, VA
Why: Fellowship, brother/Sister hood and some good tasting CHICKEN
Meet Location: Wawa’s, 16410 McKendree Rd, Brandywine, MD
Time: Meet @ 0830, Kickstands Up @ 0900
Road Captains: Fred Allen and Eric Mines
Ride Request: If you plan on going drop Fred an email at sundrake@verizon.net and let him know for reservation purposes.